Wednesday 14 July 2010

Coffee and a bit of goat please

Bit of a disaster to start the trip as our bags got left in Moscow due to the delayed flight from London and a sprint to the gate!

Met a really nice mongolian girl on the flight whose parents gave us a lift into town, if only we managed to print off the location of the guesthouse! Luckily, we found an internet cafe and we solved the rest.

Got a visa extension today and picked up our bags in the process so at least they are not gone forever.

Writing this just after a quick coffee and a goat kebab, it was a ram good meal! Working our way through the mongolian animals as we had a lucky dip on the non-english dinner menu last night and possibly ate a horse, who knows.


  1. Alex and Jo

    Loving the puns and good to see you guys arrived safe and sound. Always good to eat the local food within reason of course and don't take for granted that the picture of the food is actually what it is :-)


  2. plane big enough for you tree?!!! glad you are vaguely on your way!

    leave the animals alone - sample the veg!

  3. Cheers Marek, think eating what your given could become standard.

    Anwar - Just about, took up 3 seats!

    Watched breaking bad,quality - Jo is hooked and wants the second series sending out!
